Custom settings

This page covers the description of customizable settings


Process Params

Multipage Processing

Multipage processing allows to read more than one page. Turn on/off multipage:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.multipageProcessing = true/false

Date Format

You can change the format string of displayed dates in the results. Mask examples: "dd/mm/yyyy", "mm/dd/yyyy", "dd-mm-yyyy", "mm-dd-yyyy", "dd/mm/yy":

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.dateFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy"


If set, Core logs will be written to logcat:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.logs = true/false

If set, deep logs will be saved (in case of reading problems). Turn on/off logs saving:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.debugSaveLogs = true/false

If set, input images will be saved (in case of reading problems). Turn on/off images saving:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.debugSaveImages = true/false

If set, input images will be cropped and saved. Turn on/off image saving:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.debugSaveCroppedImages = true/false

Allows you to get the path to the folder of the current session. Before using this, enable save logs. Each new session provides different path:



Set proper scenario. You can find information of how to get available scenarios here:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.scenario = "Barcode"

Barcode Types

Set the types of barcodes that you wish to process:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.doBarcodes = new String[]{BarcodeTypes.QR, BarcodeTypes.Barcode_1D}


RFID-chip reading parameters:



Set the list of the document ID's to process. All documents will be processed, if empty:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.documentIDList = new int[]{-274257313, -2004898043}

If you read document which contains MRZ, all fields will be extracted. If you read document with OCR, you can set the list of field types that you wish to extract, other fields will be skipped during processing. All fields will be extracted, if the fieldTypesFilter is empty:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.fieldTypesFilter = new int[]{eVisualFieldType.FT_DATE_OF_EXPIRY}


If you enable this parameter, document focus check will be omitted:

DocumentReader.Instance().processParams.disableFocusingCheck = true/false


Camera Frame

Set this setting to override default cropping frame on camera activity provided by scenario using one of DocReaderFrame members:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.cameraFrame = DocReaderFrame.MAX

Frame is cropped by camera frame. If you set the camera frame to full screen, Core will crop frame by phone borders. Using this setting may lead to lower performance because of huge frame size. Any changes which are connected with camera frame alter scanning process. You can also set the camera frame width.


Show/hide torch button:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.showTorchButton = true/false

Show/hide close button:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.showCloseButton = true/false

You can close camera view manually by using DocumentReader.Instance().stopScanner() function.

Capture allows to take picture and process as a single frame. Show/hide capture button:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.showCaptureButton = true/false

If set, frame expanding button will be shown on video capture screen. Show/hide change frame button:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.showChangeFrameButton = true/false

Show/hide skip next page button:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.showSkipNextPageButton = true/false

Show/hide the button for switching between cameras during processing:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.showCameraSwitchBtn = true/false


DocumentReader will receive data from Motion Sensor and pause scanning when device is moving. Turn on/off video capture motion control:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.videoCaptureMotionControl = true/false

If set, scanning will be paused while camera is focusing (it can decrease camera processing speed):

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.skipFocusingFrames = true/false


Defines orientation of activities by using one of DocReaderOrientation members:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.orientation = DocReaderOrientation.PORTRAIT

Single Frame Capturing

If set, as soon as document is located during video mode, picture will be taken and processed as single frame. It is used for devices with poor-quality video preview:

DocumentReader.Instance().functionality.pictureOnBoundsReady = true/false


Camera Frame

Set thickness of document bounds border on the video preview (dp):


Hex string of document bounds border color in default state:


Hex string of document bounds border color in document detected state:


Defines the shape of document bounds border. Use one of FrameShapeType members:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.cameraFrameShapeType = FrameShapeType.CORNER

Defines the length (dp) of the corner side in shape mode FrameShapeType.CORNER:


Frame is cropped by camera frame. Any changes with camera frame may alter scanning process. You can change the default camera frame view, even remove it. Discover Functionality page to find out how to do it.

Status Message

Set a status message next to the frame:


Turn on/off status message:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.showStatusMessages = true/false

Set the text font for the status message, so-called hint message:


Size of main text status (sp):


Hex string of main text status color:


Allows you to change the location of the status. For example, if you set the multiplier to 0.5 and the number of pixels by vertical is equal to 800, your message will be centralized and located at 200 px from top, i.e. (800 / 2) * 0.5 = 200 px. If multiplier is equal to 1, the message will be centered. If multiplier is equal to zero, default location will be used:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.statusPositionMultiplier = 0.5D

Result Status Message

Turn on/off result status message:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.showResultStatusMessages = true/false

Set the text font for the current status:


Set the size of current text status (sp):


Hex string of current text status color:


Hex string of current text status background color:


Allows you to change the location of the results status. For example, if you set the multiplier to 0.5 and the number of pixels by vertical is equal to 800, your message will be centralized and located at 200 px from top, i.e. (800 / 2) * 0.5 = 200 px. If multiplier is equal to 1, the message will be centered. If multiplier is equal to zero, default location will be used:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.resultStatusPositionMultiplier = 0.5D


If set, animation showing how to position document will be displayed. Show/hide help animation:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.showHelpAnimation = true/false

If set, expecting page turn animation will be shown. Turn on/off next page animation:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.showNextPageAnimation = true/false

You can set image for help animation. If not set, default image will be used:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.helpAnimationImageID = R.drawable.icon

You can set front image for multipage animation. If not set, default image will be used:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.multipageAnimationFrontImage = R.drawable.icon

You can set back image for multipage animation. If not set, default image will be used:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.multipageAnimationBackImage = R.drawable.icon

Visual Elements

Hex string of visual elements color (one for all):


Skip Button

Set the background color to the multipage button:


Loading Indicator

Hex string of loading indicator(s) color. You can see it if you press the capture button:



If set, background will be darkened around the document detection frame. Show/hide background mask:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.showBackgroundMask = true/false

Allows to set image within camera frame:

DocumentReader.Instance().customization.borderBackgroundImage = R.drawable.icon


To get the API version use:


To get the Core version use:


To get the Core mode use:


Allows you to get database id, e.g. KAZ:


To get the database version use:


Allows you to get the database export date:


To get the list of supported database documents use:


Allows to get the number of supported database countries:


Allows to get the number of supported database documents:


Last updated